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Overview of UMMC-MREC
University of Malaya Medical Centre-Medical Research Ethics Committee (UMMC-MREC) was formerly known as Medical Ethics Subcommittee (MESC) established under the Medical Advisory Committee of University Hospital in 1970s. In 2016, the committee was renamed as Medical Research Ethics Committee (MREC). This ethics committee (or institutional review board) is an independent body of medical/scientific professionals and non-medical/non-scientific members that reviews, approves and provides continuing review of human research/trial protocols and amendments, and of the methods and materials to be used in obtaining and documenting consent of the human research subjects.
The Authority of the MREC
The MREC has the authority to approve a proposed study, require modification of the study or disapprove the study. The MREC is also authorized to monitor studies and may suspend or terminate any previously approved study, and approve or disapprove protocol amendments to an approved study. In accordance with ICH-GCP guidelines, the following must be promptly reported to the MREC:
Changes to the approved protocol (to reduce/ eliminate risk to subjects),
All serious adverse events and serious adverse reactions,
New information that may adversely affect the safety of subjects or conduct of the trial,
When a study is discontinued prematurely, and
When a study is completed.

What is Research Ethics and its importance?
Research ethics govern the standards of conduct for scientific researchers. It is important to adhere to ethical principles in order to protect the dignity, rights, and welfare of research participants.
Principles and benchmarks for ethical research are summarised as below:
Respect for persons
Autonomy - Informed consent
Favourable risk-benefit ratio
Fair participant selection
Scientific validity
Social value
Independent review
Collaborative partnership
UMMC-MREC Committee Members
The committee consists of medical/scientific professionals and non-medical/non-scientific/public members that review, approve, and provide a continuing review of human research/trial protocols and amendments, and of the methods and materials to be used in obtaining and documenting consent of the human research subjects.
The MREC answers to the Board of Directors, UMMC but is independent in its decision-making. The decisions of the MREC are also informed to the Medical Advisory Committee (body of clinical consultants) of UMMC.
Medical Research Ethics Committee of 2023-2025
Subcommittee: - Serious Adverse Event & Site Visit

New Online Application System
Find out more about our NEW online ethics review application system at HERE. (To be used in mid of 2021.)
Contact Us
UMMC-MREC Secretariat Office (Jawatankuasa Etika Penyelidikan Perubatan),
Level 3, Menara Utama,
University of Malaya Medical Centre,
Lembah Pantai, 59100
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phone numbers:
03-7949 3209 (Ms. Najihah) / 2251 (Mr. Razi) / 8473 (Ms. Grazele)/ 4656 (Ms. Sharifah)